futuristic weather prediction model

Air Quality Dispersion Model Data

The Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) is a state-of-the-art mesoscale numerical weather prediction system designed for both atmospheric research and operational forecasting applications. WRF development started in the 1990’s. The WRF model is now the international most commonly used model for modeling meteorology data used for the input in the US EPA Air Quality Dispersion models. The WRF model supersedes the MM5 model whose development and support stopped in October 2009.

The model is run with a  reanalysis global forecast dataset. Data assimilation is used to combine short-range weather forecasts with observations giving a globally complete and consistent in time dataset.

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Bonus Extra

As an extra on the data, you also get a report (in Word format) with a detailed analysis of the modeled data which includes graphs and tables.

The parameters of the analysis are hand-picked to complement any scientific report and help you better understand the modeled data.
No further time-consuming analysis is needed.

Download a sample report below to see the full details.
If you require any specific analysis to be done on the data, please get in contact and we will see how we can accommodate your request.

Precipitation Analysis

Which includes a detailed analysis of the monthly and seasonal rainfall amounts and also the number of days on which rainfall occurs.

Temperature Analysis

The temperature analysis includes seasonal, monthly, and day-night variations of the maximum and minimum temperature ranges and also the mean temperature for the selected data period.

Wind Speed, Direction and Frequency Analysis

Wind analysis does not only include period, annual, seasonal, and day-night windroses. Detailed tables are also included of the wind direction distribution for annual, seasonal, and day-night averages to complement the windroses. Together with a table and graph for the monthly distribution of wind speed frequency occurrences for the modeled period, the analysis compliments any scientific report.

monthly rainfall
temperature variations
windspeed summary
windrose for all data
daynight windrose

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